Saturday, 14 November 2009


Noah’s first trip up a mountain age 17 months carried by Daddy
Weather beautiful, sunny & windy, perfect!

4th November 2009
A party of five visiting the summit of Beacon for the first time.
Julie Kidd
Nigel Smith
Ray Kidd
Jennifer Lyons
Jim Lyons
Breezy & rainy today but the top & the views are still beautiful. A lovely little spot in the quieter part of the Lakes.

Back again for another lovely walk. Peggy, Graham, Emma, Janice & Richard & Cocoa xx
Heavy rain yesterday – blue skies & views today yee ha!

Hi All
Thinking of you all working Monday morning at office.
Glorious here, in sunshine above mist on Lake
Barbara K

9th November 2009
Fabulous day – blue skies all round. Beautiful views
The Westmorelands
Angela, Phillip & Spot the dog

14th November 09
Lovely light in afternoon after the heavy rain.
Stuart & Tammy