Sunday, 31 August 2008

2-7 August 2008

2nd August 2008
It's always great here - lovely views today, heather beautiful in the bright sunlight.
This time last week we (Andrew, Pennie, Emma & Lucy) were walking across Morecambe Bay for CWT, nice to look down on it now.
Sitting listening to cricket Eng v S Africa - we need a wicket!
Take care
A & P - Broughton

2nd August 2008
This is the first lakeland fell we have climbed. Weather is lovely, lots of nice views!
Alasdair, Elizabeth, Peter and Giles

Very nice wether. It has very nice lacks. Weve seen a Dung Beetle and weve had lots of sourd fites with stiks. Taken lots of fotose weth our camres.
Riten by Elizabeth Marchant
2 August 2008

Sunday 2nd or 3rd August 2008
Hello Treasure Box.
How nice to find you at the top of this lovely hill.
Blue skies, fluffy clouds, very good visibility.
And a great companion to share it with...
Joseph Peace (Manchester)
"You've got to squeeze life to get the juice out"

Sunday 3rd August 2008
G'day treasure box!!
I've come all the way from Adelaide, Australia to one of the most beautiful panoramas I've seen. Everything is so green!
I'm particlarly fond of the yachts on the lake, they glide so gracefully, and the fluffy clouds that pass overhead.
Perhaps I will come back some day so don't go away.
xx Tsubi Du

Sunday 3rd August 18.51
What a great idea, having a treasure box at the top of this gorgeous little fell. It's lovely to be back.
Beautiful evening, fantastic views.
Sheila & Steve
Currently exiled to Wiltshire (someone has to work there)

Monday 4th August 2008
This is a great idea!
We have walked many walks and this is the first treasure box I have seen.
Hope this book gets full with many more lovely comments,
See you again soon.
Hannah, Richard & Chris from Ealing, London xxxxxxxx

Monday 4th August 2008
The box is great!
We love the view it's really pretty. Beacon Tarn was lovely.

Pete O'Brien 05.08.08
Severalth visit to this point. Grey, some rain, great view. Here with wife Ruth & friends Mike & Rory

Wow, wow, wow! It is so tiring but wow!

It was great!!

- worth all the huffing and puffing!! Views amazing. Found in A. Wainwright's 1974 book dedicated to the Old Timers on the fells!
Wonderful idea being able to share it with kindred spirits.
Trevor & Sam Townsend x

6/8/08 pm
Warm & humid. Ols Man got his head in the clouds but otherwise great hazy views.
This is the umpteenth time I've been up here but never get tired of it. Must try and remember the address of the blog.
Maggi, Pat & Dozey Rosie with the brown nosey (English Setter)

7/8/08 10.45am
Here again - can't keep away. Saw some campers on the way up - hope they make it!
Better weather than forecast - usually the case here.
Mike Elcock & Dexter

7.8.08 12.45pm
Our first visit to this spot - stunned by the view.
Gill, Robert & Mathew Beagent
Sue & Paul Gentle
or "Team GB"

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